Single Justice Procedure Notice

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Single Justice Procedure Notice

What is a Single Justice Procedure Notice?

If you have received a Single Justice Procedure Notice from a Magistrates Court, it means that you are suspected of committing a driving offence and are being offered the opportunity to plead guilty by post without the need to attend court. They are issued for more minor motoring offences, and are intended to speed up the prosecution process.


Your Plea

If you do plead guilty in this way, in most cases the court will go on to sentence you in your absence. If the sentence is likely to be one of disqualification, you may still be summonsed to court for a sentencing hearing.

If you respond to the Single Justice Procedure Notice by stating that you are not guilty, a hearing date will be listed and you will need to attend court to argue your case.


Get Expert Advice First

Whether you intend to plead guilty or not guilty, you would be well advised to first seek advice from one of our motoring lawyers. They will be able to advise you:

  • whether you have any defence in law to the allegations
  • what possible sentence you can expect
  • whether you have any mitigation that may be advanced on your behalf
  • whether you may have a special reasons or exceptional hardship argument against disqualification

Be warned – strict time limits apply.


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